The past few weeks have been a bit of a blur for me, of some very long nights and days while trying to help out a customer in a bind.
Her previous site had been designed in a way that meant when she tried to update the software, it sent the entire site into a tailspin which there was no way back from. So rather than invest time and money in recovery, she took the opportunity to move her business from a rather unsuitable system, to one designed for businesses which was a huge leap for her, but a very sensible one in terms of her new system being one that will give her extreme flexibility as well as a strong sense of security with it’s entire core based around the requirements of running a business – and a successful one at that.
We got the site up and running in record time, albeit a very bare bones version at this stage, however MellyPop are happy with the layout and feel, and are adding stock like crazy so they can get back on track as soon as possible.
I’d say it won’t take her more than a week or two to get everything loaded up and I’ll be working a bit more on the admin side of it for another few weeks getting a few custom sections sorted and perfect.
I do enjoy the huge range of abilities Magento offer when it comes to eCommerce.